Pranayama: Welcome to the Science of Breathing

In this ground-breaking course with renowned master Sandeep Pandey, you will ascertain a systematic, powerful approach to pranayama. In addition, you will learn how to use asana to unearth and deepen your knowledge about pranayama practice. The course will enlighten you on various pranayama techniques and amendments to bolster and control these techniques to suit your own practice.

Enroll Now for Journey into the Science of Breathing!!

Science of Breathing with Sandeep Pandey!

Our Students Speaks

“Outstanding structuring and content presentation with a seamless progression. Highly suggested for anyone to enhance their knowledge about Pranayama. It changed my life, and I am 100% sure that this course will change yours too”.

- Marion Garrido

Introduction of Pranayama

The course begins with the basics of pranayama to help you know the actual meaning of the terms that come together to create Pranayama. Also, you will learn about the science behind pranayama and breathing types.

Nadi Sodhan Pranayama

Nadis are energy channels in the human body which can get blocked. The second session on Nadi Sodhan Pranayama will help clear those blocked energy channels and keeps the mind happy, peaceful, and calm.

Kapalabhati Pranayama

A powerful breathing exercise, Kapalabhati Pranayama helps bring your entire system into a perfect balance. This session will deepen your knowledge about this practice, the benefits it offers, and how to practice it.

Ujjayi Pranayama 

Focus on creating an ocean-like sound, Ujjayi Pranayama induces mindfulness and calmness. This module will explain all benefits this practice has to offer and how to create the Ujjayi breath or sound. 

Bhramari Pranayama

In this session, you will learn about Bhramari Pranayama, a mood-boosting practice that helps calm down an angry mind, relieve tension and ease up stress. You will learn two easy ways to practice this Pranayama.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Eradicate the impurities and toxins and improve the level of oxygen in your body with Bhastrika Pranayama. This session will focus on the science behind this practice, its benefits, precautions you need to take beforehand, and more.

Surya Bhedi Pranayama

Trigger the sun element in your body with Surya Bhedi Pranayama. In this module, you will learn what this practice has to offer you and how to perform it in two different ways.

Chandra Bhedi Pranayama

Also known as cooling pranayama, Chandra Bhedi pranayama practice stimulates the nerves that the moon controls. In this session, you will learn the benefits of this practice, what precautions to take beforehand and how to perform it.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing practice can help strengthen the diaphragm, enhance lungs' capacity, and optimize deep respiration benefits. In this module, you will learn how to breathe through your diaphragm to avail these benefits.

Hi, I’m Sandeep Pandey from Sharada Yoga Peeth, Rishikesh, India 

An admirer of Guru Swami Bharti Ji of Ram Sadhka Ashram, I commenced my journey of Yoga at 11. I have won lots of awards for a great hold on yoga postures and asanas. Today, I am known for my teachings on Pranayama and Meditation, and all credit goes to my excellent fluency in English and other local languages.